Advance Warning System Message - Update Regarding Ebola in New York City

Email Body:

The Advance Warning System (AWS) disseminates information to New Yorkers with special needs through their service providers. Please share the important information below with your clients and other agencies or individuals to empower them to make informed decisions:

Good evening AWS Partners,

We would like to share with you a statement from Health Commissioner Mary T. Bassett. As more information becomes available we will be sure to disseminate it to out as quickly as possible.

Statement on Patient at Bellevue Hospital, Oct. 23, 2014, 3:05pm
Located at

Today, EMS HAZ TAC Units transferred to Bellevue Hospital a patient who presented a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. The patient is a health care worker who returned to the U.S. within the past 21 days from one of the three countries currently facing the outbreak of this virus.

The patient was transported by a specially trained HAZ TAC unit wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). After consulting with the hospital and the CDC, DOHMH has decided to conduct a test for the Ebola virus because of this patient's recent travel history, pattern of symptoms, and past work. DOHMH and HHC are also evaluating the patient for other causes of illness, as these symptoms can also be consistent with salmonella, malaria, or the stomach flu.

Preliminary test results are expected in the next 12 hours. Bellevue Hospital is designated for the isolation, identification and treatment of potential Ebola patients by the City and State. New York City is taking all necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of all New Yorkers.

As a further precaution, beginning today, the Health Department's team of disease detectives immediately began to actively trace all of the patient's contacts to identify anyone who may be at potential risk. The Health Department staff has established protocols to identify, notify, and, if necessary, quarantine any contacts of Ebola cases.

The Health Department is also working closely with HHC leadership, Bellevue's clinical team and the New York State Department of Health to ensure that all staff caring for the patient do so while following the utmost safety guidelines and protocols.

The chances of the average New Yorker contracting Ebola are extremely slim. Ebola is spread by directly touching the bodily fluids of an infected person. You cannot be infected simply by being near someone who has Ebola.

NYC OEM Human Services Unit:

Human Services email distribution list:

Johanna Conroy
Director of Human Services
Cell: 917-662-3295

Marianne Jackson
Special Needs Liaison
Cell: 646-335-5693

Cynthia Barton
Disaster Housing Recovery Plan Manager
Cell: 917-468-2768

Eli Fresquez
Special Needs Coordinator
Cell: 347-386-0389

Jay Brandt
Human Services Emergency Preparedness Manager
Cell: 646-596-3147

Annette Santiago
Director of Human Resources
Cell: 347-534-7028

Marnie Suss
Interagency Training Coordinator
Cell: 718-468-1728

October 23, 2014