
The Advance Warning System (AWS) disseminates information to people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs through their service providers. Please share the important information below with your clients and other agencies or individuals to empower them to make informed decisions.

As the City continues to respond to COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, we want to ensure that our partners are provided with the most up-to-date information. The Guidance for Congregate Settings document has been revised to make it more clear that precautions should be taken for people with disabilities. 

Guidance documents below can assist you and your partners to develop and implement strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. We have also provided guidance on general disinfection for non-healthcare setting businesses and residential buildings. Please see below for these documents:

Additionally, a Ready New York COVID-19 ASL Message from NYC Emergency Management is available here.

Text ‘COVID’ to 692692 (NYC-NYC) for accurate, real time updates from Notify NYC and NYC Emergency Management. (Alerts are also available in Spanish by texting ‘COVIDESP’ to 692-692.) Please do not share unconfirmed information. Please visit for additional information.

The Advance Warning System (AWS) alerts organizations who work with people with disabilities and access and functional needs to various types of hazards and emergencies in New York City that may affect people's independence and daily lives. Participating organizations receive public preparedness and emergency information that they can relay to their clients and other similar agencies. If you work for an organization that serves people with disabilities or access and functional needs you can subscribe for AWS Alerts at the following link:

Please do no reply to this e-mail. This mailbox is not monitored. To make changes or receive assistance with your account, please login to the AWS website or contact us through the AWS website. If you think you or someone else may have an emergency, call 911 immediately.

March 19, 2020