Email Body:
Good afternoon AWS Service Providers,
The Advance Warning System (AWS) disseminates information to people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs through their service providers. Please share the important information below with your clients and other agencies or individuals to empower them to make informed decisions.
Winter is quickly approaching, and with it, the possibility of winter weather emergencies. New York City Emergency Management would like to remind our Advance Warning System partners to prepare staff and clients for the winter season ahead. During periods of very cold and inclement weather, people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs are at a greater risk. This document assists service providers in working with their clients that could be at risk during extreme winter weather events. Seniors, infants, people with chronic cardiovascular or lung conditions, people using alcohol or drugs and people with cognitive impairments such as from dementia, serious mental illness or developmental disability are at increased risk.
Stay safe this winter!
Winter Preparation Tips:
NYCEM Human Services Unit:
Human Services ESF List email distribution list:
The Advance Warning System (AWS) alerts organizations who work with people with disabilities and access and functional needs to various types of hazards and emergencies in New York City that may affect people's independence and daily lives. Participating organizations receive public preparedness and emergency information that they can relay to their clients and other similar agencies. If you work for an organization that serves people with disabilities or access and functional needs you can subscribe for AWS Alerts at the following link: